Assessing Non-Medical Technologies in Poland
Menedżer Zdrowia (Health Manager), a news platform for the medical sector that also produces a monthly magazine, recently published an article written by Arcana Institute’s Karolina Skóra. The article’s focus is on factors that impede financing of innovative Medical Devices in hospitals in Poland. Karolina identified three main areas for improvement that can drive innovation and lead to better patient outcomes and cost savings to hospitals.
The first issue for medical devices concerns the outdated methods for entering the guaranteed benefits package that is currently in place. As it is more challenging to assess non-drug technologies compared to drugs, medical devices have a harder time getting past the MoH and into the guaranteed benefits package.
Secondly, there is a need to set statutory time limits for the MoH to decide on reimbursement for non-drug technologies, which can help medical device companies gain confidence to seek reimbursement.
Lastly, following global trends, a move from a price-based approach to a value-based approach is inevitable for procurement of non-drug technologies in hospitals with the use of HTA. Steps should be taken in order to prepare appropriate hospital staff to adapt to trends that maximize results for patient outcomes and hospital costs.
The article is in Polish language and can be viewed here: MZ_Art_32681-10